Tips on how to succeed in a job interview


·         Never be late. Know the exact time and the place of the interview. If possible, go and check out the workplace a day earlier, so that you know how much time it will take to get there.
·         Dress appropriately. You want the person who is interviewing you to have a great first impression of you. If you wear jeans, Uggs, and just your old Beatles shirt, the interviewer is going to think that you do not care about this interview and are not serious about landing the job. If you're a girl, wear a skirt or dress with a blazer and flats.
·         Be excited about the job. If you seem happy and excited to work rather than depressing, dull, or sullen, it is more likely that you will be given the job. Don't apply for a job that doesn't excite you, unless you are desperate for money.
·         Bring something new to the equation. Employers are always looking for people who can add something special to the company. Be bright, charming, and intelligent because that is what everyone looks for in an employee.
·         Visualize the situation. Be confident that you passed the interview. Doing so will make you feel better and will make you positive about it.
·         Be prepared. Interviewers usually ask a lot of questions about why you want the job, such as whether the job is your first job, and about your work experience. Before the interview, try answering some made-up questions in front of a mirror, or ask a family member to act as an interviewer.
·         Do your homework. Find out more about the company. Read recent press releases or study their website for an event that has happened to the company in the last few months. This way, you can talk about the happening with your interviewer and show that you care enough about this job to look it up.
·         Think and answer. Take five seconds to gather all your thoughts and then answer the questions. Speak slowly, in order to make your words concise and simple. Avoid using fillers such as "umm....and then" and "you know?.....we can..." as fillers interrupts your speech.
·         Improve your body language. Make your shoulders loose and don't stare. Use your hands while answering.

·         Don't say anything negative about former employees or colleagues to the interviewer. It makes a negative impression.

          How to dress yourself for a job interview

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